Wednesday, December 28, 2011


After a late night watching a move "PowWow Highway" (we explained that some of Jacob's early cars were the basis for the PowWow pony"); we were up to get the table work done and to greet Nancy, Maurizio and Anthea. All is going well, had a wonderful visit - Anthea's portfolio of work is amazing, particularly for one so early in her profession. Aunt Marilyn must be dancing a jig!!! What a talented group of young people - Kevin with his wood work, Emily's eye for art, Giorgia's mind for design and eye for possibilities, it goes on and on and on.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


View of the alps
A successful walk and Jacque was happy to be out and about herding her people. Funny how inbred traits are - she would race back and forth, trying to keep all of us together.

Try to keep up, will you!


Kevin, his skills & his tools were needed in Summaga to cut up this big table. Chris came along because he owns the car that brought Kevin. The table belonged to Linda's family and is beautiful but waaaay too big for a normal room. Instead of letting it sit outside; Kevin was able to cut it in to two beautiful tables.

Measure twice, 3x's; then maybe think about cutting
Original table


Chris with Bruno

Mr Confidence - and with good cause

The cutting begins - no going back now


Chris / Kil



Lots of supervisors but no one but no one pretended they had a clue how to do what Kevin could do.

Tune in tomorrow for the result of the final project!

Monday, December 26, 2011


See! I can solve the puzzle - oh really????

Christmas Eve


Adriano, Kevin, Morgan & Giorgia

Christmas Eve Tea

Adriano & Linda - solving puzzles

Kil - who really did solve the puzzles in record time.

Admiring Morgan's necklace - yes, Morgan's necklace

Linda, still puzzle solving

Giorgia - puzzle were a hit and a challenge

Bruno, Kevin & Giorgia


My memory of the day will be the community - the Bravin family...laughter, bickering, talking and sharing the joy of gathering. At one point I could hear the angst of losing a game of "Don't Hate Me" (we call it Parcheesi); others telling a joke and others having a discussion. People came and went like the ebb and flow of the tides. At some point, a few disappeared to go to the cemetery - tho Franco is never far from our thoughts. He is so greatly missed.

One of 2 large tables

Upstairs heater

Downstairs heater


Game time; the weather was spring-like


Turkey cooking

Ready to eat and we're starving

Kil, carving his 1st turkey - with a little oversight

Sunday, December 25, 2011


As you are awakening; we are preparing our afternoon dinner - turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, spinach & vegetables, cheeses and breads. Then cookies, more bread, pies - I don't know how Mikki does it - she must have started weeks ago. Yesterday evening, cookies started appearing from all sorts of cupboards. It's fun - she saves them until Christmas Eve - which makes all the treats much anticipated.

After dinner, there was the reading of the Night Before Christmas, and then the search for Santa (just in case Philip & Kilian were monitoring his progress courtesy of the Space Station.) Once Santa was found; we marched upstairs to admire the trees and open the gifts. Then it was downstairs for tea and all the wonderful cookies. (Christmas socks are January 7th; 3 Kings Day.)

Christmas Eve Dinner

No that's not a crown on Philip's head; it something on the wall behind him

Christmas Sweats

Bruno wish all of you a Merry Christmas

It was the night before Christmas

Santa, Really?

Santa? Yes, indeedy!

You believe, right!

Ok, we all believe

Yes, Santa found Italy

The best of Santas helpers


Add caption

Mikki holding one of Aunt Jean's cookboosks