Friday, December 31, 2021

Random Pics

So, tell me which of these are Oklahoma Cookies? Hint, there's some Swiss mixed in.
This is Kevin's forever tree. Larissa made small pottery cups for the candles.
The Leaning Tower of Grosmünster
Midwife and Gini's painting
Chris's alma.mater
Random street scenes or me - I'm famous for saying - "Look Up, Look Up!"

A Day at Kunsthaus

Is never wasted. This is where I discovered Fauvism or "wild beasts" and no other style has so attracted me. I can't remember a time I've come to Zurich that either Aunt Marilyn or Antje hasn't made time to accompany me to Kunsthaus.

This year was a particular treat as there is a new addition. From the outside my reaction was so-so; 
the inside, Wow!!!
Oh, and did I mention the earth exhibit - we listened to trees talking. And there is an entire room devoted to understanding Stolen Art/Looted Art, the Kunsthaus role and current stance.

Aftewards,.since we were parked only a few meters away we stopped at my favorite yarn shop. I've decided to graduate from knitting scarves to hats.
in the meantime, Philip was with Chris up along the Utliberg Pass.

Man on the Lake; Lady Shopping

Philip always enjoys the boat ride to Rapperswill. He eats pomme frites on the way over and a Swiss wine returning.

Me, i was with Antje and Kevin, heading for his favorite coffee bistro. It was closed for the holiday. Instead we headed to Schobers. This cafe never disappoints. Mom and Aunt Marilyn 1st took me there and I was enchanted.

Yarn store - knitting is my new passion. I went in and I bought.

The week in Pictures

View from my bedroom window. Initially, I thought those were 2 of the ugliest pieces of yard art I'd ever seen. Duh, then realized they are protective covers for plants.

kind of a kitchy chalet a block or so from Schnorfville - Adliswil isn't known for chalet architecture.

Its all about the dice - we play lots of Quixx

And I won; I almost never win

Gini and Jay have a charming home

We're on our way for a sausage. 

Gini, Philip and Kevin waiting for Antje and I to catch up.

Time is Passing Quickly

It seems we were just unpacking, fussing about Covid testing and now we're starting to complete USA re-entry forms, checking the timing of another Covid test - between 10:20am Monday - 10:20am Tuesday

What fun we've had WhatsApp ing with Liz/Art/Ben Penny, Pam and Miki/Kil - Liz's champagne skating rink in the kitchen and Penny assuming we were hacking her were hilarious. Even more so Chris thinking we were chatting with my friend, Mary Fern, instead of Penny. He breezed in, waved and kept going.

In this crazy time of Covid, I urge each of you to reach out and touch one another - WhatsApp, Facetime, Duo, Zoom - all àre easy to use and seeing one another is a real day brightener.

I'm not sure when and if we'll be able to gather again. I know I tire more easily, thus long-haul trips probably won't be in my future. Despite 1st class accommodations both in the air and here; my time-zone recovery time was slower than anticipated. 

We need to find ways to stay connected as a family. We're the last of a close-knit wide spread group of cousins.

Ok, that's my sermon.

Today we're blessed with a glorious sunrise and clear skies. Last night we went into the city to see the lights. Temp was 51*, Chris bought some marroni to share (he even shelled mine!❤️) as we walked along the Bahnhofstrasse.
Gini refers to these lights as "welcome to Hell" as they don't fit with any decorations in the city.
These are the Lucy lights - as in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds or LSD - seriously, named.after the Beatles song.
more Lucy
i prefer the warmer lights
Today Antje and i are going to Kunsthaus

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Tea on Utliberg; Hamburger on 3rd Floor

Thursday was Gini's 1st of 5 days break and It Was Sunny! We walked about 10 mins to the cable car, riding to the top.
the perfect spot for wine, punch and cappuccino
Gini and Jay live down there - somewhere. Look for the green space a d then look to the right, somewhere in that white.
Evening we're invited to Kevin and Larissa's. Their home is a small gallery. It's apparent artists live in these rooms.
Dang! I missed a pic of the Forever Tree Kevin built. If our senses weren't visually filled; they served hamburgers - maybe the best hamburger ever ... and we're from the Land of Hamburger!
start with their homemade buns, add prime organic beef,  cheese, jalapeno, tomato and an egg. Accompanied with home made pomme frites, wines from Switzerland and New Zealand. Finished off with an ice and a fine whiskey. Throw in lots of talking, laughter, sharing - nirvana.