Saturday, July 22, 2023

Family Gathering

We're lucky to be Elders in a city with  young & younger family who check in on us. Someone who comes to our door with the missing coffee, warm croissants, homemade jam and juice. Later in the day, while shopping my bags and back pack are in someone else's arm or back. Another picks up the tram pass, makes sure we know which trams to take. We're delivered by one of many autos to and from. Life is good. 

PB and I are capable of managing, tho we have our moments. Still why not save our energy, let others do the heavy lifting?

Yesterday was all about Family. Chris came early to share breakfast. A little later Mikki and Gorgi arrive. Later we walked 5 minutes to have lunch by the lake. 

Afterwards, PB headed back to the apartment to rest. (Yes the temperature humidity still stifling) Mikki, Georgia and I headed to Niederdorf district, me shopping for yarn. I'm making a sweater for Gwen's baby.
Along the way, we stopped at Cafe Schober, introducing Gorgi to a family favorite. 
We hopped on a tram, headed back to the apartment to collect Philip. Then off to Adliswill for a family dinner. It was so much cooler on the mountain, after spritz's dinner was outside.
Hmmm, just realized I took these pics before Gwen arrived. She looks charming and healthy, excited to welcome her baby.

Delivered back to the tram about 10:30, we got off at the wrong stop; aimlessly wandered about on dark street before we got our bearings; got back on a tram, got off at the correct stop - almost across from our apartment building. 😵‍💫
I added pics from the dinner:

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Anonymous said...
