Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Kevin's Wedding

We love this kid! Only for him are we doing this. Well not really, the chance to be with Schnorf's and Bravins too much to pass up. And Zurich? It's our 2nd home.

The past 48 hrs I watched Mr. Never-Leave-Home-Without-A-Trunk Phil, stuff everything in his new 21" carry on. AND ... pause for drum roll ... his suitcase is 5 lbs lighter than mine!!! I blame my swishy long gown and the extra shoes to show off my newly painted Pedi.

The new suitcase is due to the last trip. We missed an earlier flight home because we couldn't pick up our luggage, return it fast enough, resulting in a lengthy airport wait, midnight arrival home. We vowed carry-on size suitcases ONLY!

Our friend MF dropped us at the airport. I rarely use a cane these days but it's handy on the long crowded terminal walks. I left it in the car - Me, Mrs-Always-Organized-For-A-Trip. Fortunately, we were the usual hours early, 10 mins later, MF returned with the cane. Thank Goodness! We're now at O'Hare, in the lounge, enjoying snacks and glasses of wine. My Fitbit shows an impressive 7,999 steps. That's mostly O'Hare! Thank you MF!!!♥️
This wedding has been in the planning for a couple of years. Larissa is dear to us. I taught her to play Morgan Pitch many years ago (after threatening Chris & Kevin, with Hell & Damnation, to keep their opinions to themselves.) By the end of the set, Larissa and I were friends for life. And Kev? Kevin's one of ours, along with Mike, Matt, Jacob, Ben and Kil. He's planning a party; not a chance we'll miss it.

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